High! Welcome to our home of designer, odor-proof, lockable storage bags and carrying cases. As parents, we know how important it is to keep the plant we love so much out of reach from our children, pets and anyone else who might be snooping around. That’s why we have designed our bags with care to ensure that the same quality and protection we expect for our household can be available for yours.

Odor Proof
Professional carbon lining
and mesh with PVC coating to lock in odor and freshness.

Double Lock System
Not one, but two zipper-bolt locks that click
into the zipper base and only release with your secret code.

Rubber Backed Zipper Seal
TSA Travel Grade Combination Luggage Lock with Rubber Backed Zipper Seal
Introducing the best, most reliable quality of carbon lining to guarantee layer upon layer of odor-proof protection. Each layer works together to filter out and prevent odor from escaping the bag. It also does wonders to keep your stash fresh.