We’re so happy you stopped in. As parents who believe in the benefits of cannabis, we wanted to create smart, reliable, household-friendly storage and carrying solutions for our community.

A lot has changed since we were young. Circa 1990, our community lived in hiding. Cannabis was tainted by its illegal status and gave anyone carrying it a criminal record. Today, Cannabis is legal in over 40 countries, and as proud Canadian parents, we’re on a mission to do things right and WEED by EXAMPLE.

For too long, society has misunderstood the plant we carry around and love. She has so much good to offer, and we’re here to protect that.

This starts by ensuring that she doesn’t end up in the hands of someone who might abuse or misuse or accidentally try her too young.

Whether you’re a parent, university student, teacher, artist, doctor, celebrity or just that person who likes to keep things neat and discreet, our bags are designed to help you carry your cannabis with confidence.

High Quality, Odor-Proof, Secure, Reliable & Stylish - our family of bags covers all the bases, because that’s what you do when you’re a parent.

It’s time for our lovely plant to find her place in this world, and we intend to get her there one bag at a time.